The Recruitment & Staffing Master Sales Script


Want to know what to say when you are calling hiring managers? The Recruitment & Staffing Master Sales Script will help you to know exactly what to say when you pick up the phone to make your phone calls.

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Simeon from Norfolk & Mary from Houston bought this item recently.


Most Staffingpreneurs have a hard time trying to figure out what to say when calling hiring managers. They simply don’t have the words. Or they are looking for ways to figure out how to reach out without sounding like every other staffing agency on the planet. Well, the Recruitment & Staffing Master Sales Script is designed to help you get past the gatekeepers, get on the line with a hiring manager and keep the conversation going so that you can land the meeting!

It’s a short 2-page powerful script where you can fill in the blanks with your company’s information as well as the questions and challenges that are most important to the hiring managers within your specific niche’ market. You no longer have to be afraid to make sales calls when you know exactly what to say.

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